Every Month Common Ground facilitates it’s members in ordering from the extremely comprehensive Independent Irish Health Foods Catalogue. The catalogue contains over 15,000 items at wholesale prices. Most items are sold in bulk quantities although individual items are also available.
Here is This Month’s Catalogue…
Prices on the catalogue range between 66% and 75% of retail cost – Common Ground place a 20% facilitation charge on the order which brings net savings on most items to between 20 and 25 percent
For Example…
Biona Peanut Butter – 6 jars (250g)
IIHF price per jar €2.35 + 20% CG = €2.82 (Retail = €3.29)
PLEASE NOTE : The IIHF catalogue is exclusively for members to order from and prices or information from it can not be shared with Non-Members.

Common Ground also have local suppliers who sell their goods in our small shop located at our HQ in Church Terrace.
Common Ground Members receive an updated IIHF catalogue every two months.