Knowledge and skills sharing is a cornerstone of the idea behind Common Ground. By sharing our knowledge and skills we can help each other grow and develop; and also to live more sustainable, environmentally conscious, and mindful lives.
From the start of 2018 we are planning to hold regular knowledge and skills sharing workshops at Common Ground; initially on our Market Day; but potentially more regularly if they become popular.
With this in mind we are looking for people who have skills and knowledge to share. It can be anything you think may be of interest to, and in alignment with the ethos of, the rest of the Common Ground community. If this sounds like you, or someone you know, then please get in touch (here!). Alternatively, if you are aware of an inspirational speak who you think would be of interest to Common Ground members, let us know, and we can contact them.
In time, we will be adding recordings of some of the workshops, so you can watch them after the event; but in the meantime here are some ideas about how to live more sustainably and in a more environmentally friendly way…
Reducing Waste and Zero Waste
Eating Sustainably
More to come soon…