Befriending the Voice Within with Wendy Stephens

Meditation, Creative Expression and Sharing.

Saturday November 11th – 4pm to 5.30pm – The Loft

Saturday December 9th – 4pm to 5.30pm – The Loft

Saturday January 20th – 4pm to 5.30pm – The Loft

Saturday February 10th – 4pm to 5.30pm – The Loft

Advance booking is essential. Maximum 7 participants. It would be ideal if everyone could make at least 3 of the 4 sessions so that we can develop safety and familiarity within the group.

Contact Wendy at 0864052835 /

‘Create a clearing in the dense forest of your life and wait there patiently, until the song that is your life falls into your own cupped hands and you recognise and greet it.’

Martha Postlethwaite, Clearing

A closed, ongoing group running for 4 Saturdays over 4 months. Together we will create a safe, confidential and judgement-free space to connect with ourselves, our creativity and voices. Each session will begin with a guided meditation, followed by an optional theme for inspiring writing, art making or reflection. The emphasis is on following what is within and therefore disregarding the theme if that is what feels right. We will then have space for everyone to share what they wish, if they wish. This can be expressed however each individual would like.

The invitation is to connect and listen to ourselves and allow the voice within, which can often be silenced before it has a chance to be acknowledged, to be given space. Creative expression can be a wonderful for tool for expressing the things we do not feel we can say to those around us. This group will be a practice ground for challenging the inner obstacles to expressing ourselves in a kind and shame-free environment.

Contact Wendy at 0864052835 /