

What is Common Ground Bray?
We are a members based group dedicated to promoting a co-operative, mindful and ecological lifestyle. Membership is open to all who share this goal.
Where are we located?
We have a multi-purpose building located at the old Beverly Bags Factory on Church Terrace, Bray – just off the main street here.
What is our Ethos?
Common Ground Bray is a co-operative, community based project in north Wicklow that seeks an alternative to the consumer-fuelled ethos that dictates much of the modern world. We are unaffiliated and self funded and value the independence that that gives us.
We want to create a network of people that will have a positive impact on the community of Bray and it’s environs and that reflects the diverse and multi-cultural nature of contemporary Ireland. We want to support our members in coming together in meaningful and energising ways that enhance our experience of being a community.
What are our aims? 

We aim to provide a network and a space to

  • Help people support each other in sharing their skills and talents
  • source healthy and sustainable food
  • encourage environmentally friendly approaches to contemporary living
  • support a mindful, ethical and caring community

We hope you will join us in making this a reality!  Check our ‘Join Us‘ page to sign up!

The Committee – Common Ground Organisation

Common Ground consists of a growing number of members. There are no specific requirements for membership and your interaction can range from simply availing of the information we share on our various networks to getting stuck in and organising your own initiatives, workshops and events.

The organisation of our activities are regulated through our committee which meets once a week and makes sure that Common Ground business is attended to. The committee is a non-hierachical group of between 6 and 8 people and is drawn from the over-all membership. It helps to organise and facilitate various Common Ground projects and activities.

The committee can be contacted via commongroundbray@gmail.com


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